February 16, 2011

No More U-Haul!

nosignDating is ritual.  Girl meets girl, they exchange some nice conversation, maybe bat some eyelashes.  If there is chemistry (and you should definitely feel something) one or both of you decide to carry the meeting a little further. Further meaning phone calls, cute text messages and dinner and a movie.
What some…no excuse me…what most lesbians tend to forget is that dating is a VERB, an action (ing).   Here’s the kicker. Pay attention. You can date more than one person. Dating is not a relationship. It doesn’t mean you’re in a committed relationship.  It doesn’t mean rights over the heart.  It’s the process of getting to know each other.  Discerning whether or not a person is worth falling for.  Its where questions should be asked and commonalities revealed.  The time period between meeting and loving .  You can choose whether or not you want to keep your panties on, but you should not confuse the throbbing in your panties for love…

The lesbian tends to forget about the “getting to know” process once the panties hit the floor.  They stop asking questions and looking for red flags. No longer are there conversations about goals, dreams and personality.

Here’s my perception (*ting*) its take 3 months for the representative to leave.  It takes six months to know  whether or not dating should become exclusive, because by six months if the representative has gone  you know if this person is good for you.  Take the time to find out.


  1. Amen. Amen and Amen again! I really wish more women knew how to pump their brakes when it comes to this. Once the panties come off, I becomes we and all systems are go...HUGE MISTAKE. In 2-3 months this loving relationship that was created in 0.2 seconds, becomes a shit fest. Great Post!

  2. 3 months?? It took 6 months before the last dude's representative left the building...I was like who's this guy?? LOL Another great one, sis.:-)

  3. Great POST!!! I be asking questions while taking the panties off though .... and after they've come off.
